Monday 12 October 2009

Pranksterism and Weasel-Spivs

541 THC 06
Pranksterism and Weasel-Spivs

Five for One – You read, at most, five, then you send me one reply.
All replies to or my facebook profile.
One-Line reply – Qualify, No reply - don’t fly.
THC – The Handkerchief Challenge – 52 flag hankys needed to complete it.
See for details on the rules, under the post “The Challenge”

Yeah, check the new Gmail!

Oooh YEAH! The tally has started. Handkerchief No.1 is in the offing. It’s been photographed and can be found at how beautiful is that picture? If you zoom in (which you can if you click on the image) you can see some customisation, the words “The Mack Daddy”, doesn’t it send shivers down your spine? Doesn’t it bring joy to your world that something so great exists? Yeah, Me too – Fan-farking-tastic!
Canada Represent, eh!

Why is your national anthem “Oh Canada” and not “Eh Canada”? I’m trying to be funny, not offensive by the way. (Upon re-reading this I apologise for the hackneyed joke, more than likely said many times, by many people. I was tired)

I didn’t get a chance to put this in last week but it’s a corker from Spacey the Bard himself, Mr Shock-em and Smile, David Oakwood:
“Kitty just came to me asking for her potty.. she is doing really well with it. But as i am 'busy' trying to write to you i sent her off to find it... she returned excitedly telling me she had done a poo. Taking my hand she leads me to the puppies food bowl, where, in the middle she has deposited a nice Mr Whippy. Thankfully I found it before Ralf (the Scottie) did. He already has a preference for little girls knickers, which he likes to dig out of the laundry basket and run off with. Yack.......”

Yakety Yak! Take out the papers and the trash!

We so thought Project Mayhem was near completion this week and right at the last moment we were back to square two… More on this when I can talk about it. (In editing phase now - the latest is we’re back to phase one. Never trust a weasel-spiv).

Do you know sometimes, if I know someone is watching me and they think I ‘m unaware of this fact I like to do stupid stuff. I used to have to wait for a lift back to Newcastle when I worked at ICI in Billingham. I would be sat there on a wall next to the side of a busy road. Nearly everyone that passed by in their cars would stare at me. At first I kinda thought this was rude and wanted to pull faces at these drivers/passengers. Self-preservation sprinkled with a bit of the prankster allowed me to derive the following idea:
If I turn to them and pull a face they’ll be offended. If I already have a face on before they look and hold it in that pose as if it’s my default face…Bingo!

My cousin Greg is the king of pranksterism though, the amount of times you’ll look at him and he’ll be doing something stupid and then with mock surprise “realise” you are there. One year when I visited Canada I spent an evening with Greg and his mates driving around and stopping at intersections (crossroads) and getting a map out and pretending we were lost. If those guys had thought to have videoed their escapades they coulda been on TV or something.

Lisa Jean let me know of a good prank in this vein. When you cross the road via a zebra/pelican crossing the drivers waiting for you to cross always look at you, try this – swing your arms the opposite from normal, when your left leg moves forward, so does your left arm, when your right leg moves forward, you move your right arm forward - repeat. People wont realise why but they’ll think something is wrong

Do you have this (perhaps) media-generated idea that Jonny Depp picks his roles and all of them are top-notch? Wrong! I watched “Cry Baby” and “Summer Resort” this week. That’s three hours I wasted.


Nathan Phelps wrote:
“I've been moved to respond, I thought THC was simple code for the ho chi minh trail and realised it lacked the M and the T to complete the set. Then it would be THCMT. I've never seen that acronym and since I've joined the AA I avoid them to avoid confusion. Who would've thought that the Alcohol anonymous group would share their initials with Anti acronyms?

I have jumped on board your magic bus and have felt quite elated with each update although very frustrated we haven't moved anywhere. I'm bored of this location.”

[You can drive, where are we going? - Mack]

“My son copies everything I do and say so when he's talking rubbish I only have to look in the mirror to tell myself to shut up. It then reverberates in miniature speak ten fold!

Why does he sleep on his head in the haunch position, when he wakes up it is like he is an unfurling fawn in the forest. (Alliteration is not a lost art with me). He normally asks for potatoes first then a story and that's coming straight from him, every time he wakes up from naps.

Naps are great but if they were a longer word maybe the sleep would be longer! I sometimes nap but mostly I'm listening with my eyes closed. It is a lot more relaxing. Blind people must be the most chilled. Maybe being blind from birth inspires a better imagination. I think i should close my eyes more regularly.

I'm going to continue responding and work on how I can get a hanky for you. I'm going to aim for Chile but will Scotland suffice? Also if a family member takes the picture in location does it still count?

Stay wild, founding member of the real AA”

Oh yes, oh yessss! A family member is cool, remember it’s a two degree of separation rule, I don’t have to know them but YOU have to know them. Chile? Awesome! Scotland however…

Glen Patterson:
“Ive been looking for a scotland hanky but i cant see a good one. Now if its bandanas yer want!”

Isn’t a bandana a neckerchief and hence a handkerchief by default?

On the Texas subject Konrad informs us:
“Did you know that since Texas was it's own country before the signing of the constitution, that it is the only state flag permitted to fly parallel to the US flag. All other states are required to fly beneath the US flag.”

Does that make a flagkerchief from Texas legal?

I’m keeping this next replier’s name anonymous but how cool is this?

“I am dyslecsic i cant even spell.

This is all to much for me to read

but i like it”

But I like it more that you expend the effort to read these inane babblings, Major props to you sir!

A coupla Julianna gems before I leave:

“Oooh! Brand New!” (in response to me opening the top of a dipping egg)

“Can I throw my bum bum out?” While holding a rubbish bin.

“…and she decided to throw herself out because she was old” The conclusion of a song she made up/sung.

Almost 51 to Go! (not here yet)

Have a great week,

The Daddy Mack

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