Monday 12 October 2009

Birthday Girl

541 THC 08
Birthday Girl
A few weeks ending 3rd October 2009

Five for One – You read, at most, five, then you send me one reply.
All replies to or my facebook profile.
One-Line reply – Qualify, No reply - don’t fly.
THC – The Handkerchief Challenge – 52 flag hankys needed to complete it.
See for details on the rules, under the post “The Challenge”

So Lindsay says “You were in my tummy” and Julie replied “Was there a door?” I think Marsha led the charge in the laughing stakes. Julie was told that there wasn’t a door but Lindsay didn’t elaborate.

I was outside in the back garden last Sunday with Julie when Neda passed us over the fence (I’ve just read that sentence and it makes it sound like we were floating over the fence and Neda happened to be floating faster than us and passed us) some Mr Men stamps. You put the cap on the stamp, it has a little sponge in it with some ink on, remove the lid then stamp what you want. Repeat this process ad-infinitum.

We had no paper so we used our bare legs (both wearing shorts). Julie had a whole leg full of red and blue circles with little figures in them. I too had a few. When the time came to wash them off I realised it wasn’t the best idea I had ever had.

This got me thinking – If a person has an armful of tattoos it’s called a full-sleeve. If they have a leg full of tattoos is that a full-sock or full-trouser-leg or full-pant-leg in North America?


Paula Bergen hits back at my nemesis, Shane Townsend:
“As for the theory on it not being a Canadian of your rules states:

1) Each handkerchief has to be a representation of a single country’s national flag. doesn't necessarily have to be the "CANADIAN FLAG" it has to be a representation of the country...which the red maple leafs represent along with the many "Canada's" written on it! ! I guess we are correct! It is 100% Canadian and personalized "Mack Daddy" at that!”

Go Girl!

Michael Riordan is a freaky sandwich eater, only more so:
“It's the very important question of how one eats a burger that's got me excited. I too will always eat a burger with the seeds on top (ditto the baguette); I think that's quite normal. But for some reason once I've taken a bite I always put the burger back on the plate upside down with the seeds on the plate; that's more eccentric, I think.”

This makes absolute sense to me, if the bun is standing on little sesame “legs” the bread will not absorb any contaminants from the plate or whatever it is sitting on. I may have to adopt this burger eating style.

He has an opinion on the handkerchief/bandana debate too:
“By the way, there is a very important size difference between the handkerchief and the bandana, despite their lexicographical roots. I think you need to be strict on this.”

I would like to use the handkerchiefs and I fear a bandana may make my pocket bulge in an obscene way.

Mark Thomas:
“Julianna, pointing to the ripened tomatoes in the garden:
“Too matey’s ready”

So does she default to : "tom may toe" or "to mar toe", I'm guessing the former, Ermintrude has been making throaty french sounds for a while, I often wonder what it's like for them being bought up Bi-Li, Tim had way more French as Marie was off work for the first two years of his life, even so Ermintrude has totally got the French noises down, it roxs.”
(Mark, I need a codename for “Ermintrude”)

So on Julianna’s Birthday as we were putting her to bed she turned to us and asked “will I be three when I’m sleeping?”

Project Mayhem Version 2.0 is still under way. Hopefully by the end of the Month we’ll be outta here and inna Witney. (Some say “Outta”, not many say “Inna” – I’m forging new ground here!)

Work is incessant at the moment, my padawan Nick looks absolutely knackered (even more than just busta-gut knackered!). I’m tired oot too (hey was that a palindrome?). Our new padawan Anthony is looking fresh-faced but a little perturbed having jumped out of a fire of ridiculous working hours into another fire….hmmm, it’ll all be over soon. If you see our beer “Volund’s Hammer” in any J.D. Weatherspoons pub in Britain at the end of October, know that we’ve been going above and beyond for it. If you’re thirsty, buy a pint maybe?

Hide the poo – no I’m not talking about a rambunctious male’s party game. Oh I mis-spelled it too, it’s Hide the Pooh. Julianna invented it. She has a 2foot high Winnie the Pooh teddy bear that she asks me to hide in the living room while she waits outside and then she comes in and looks for it. The best is when it’s her turn, she comes out into the hallway and says “He’s behind the couch, now you look for him ‘kay?”

Driving to work the other day I saw a homeless guy asleep in the bus stop in Streatley.
( )
I ask myself is he a high-class bum? Did he wake up, walk into Goring and have morning tea with George Michael? Maybe. It coulda been a modern version of “Down and out in Beverley Hills” (does anyone else remember that film? I’m pretty sure I was lured into seeing that film by a song video that was pretty much made up of clips from the film. I thought it was going to be something completely different to what it actually was – I was kinda disappointed).

We got Stubb’s youngest son (Message to Stubb – codename please) a stomp rocket for his birthday and Stubb reported that he had shot a rocket over his own house! Any idea what one of Julianna’s birthday presents was? She loves rockets….was it onof these? you got it! (or more accurately, she got it) A Stomp Rocket Junior with foam rockets – hours and hours of fun – we even played with it indoors. She likes the noise I make when she does a real wimpy stomp and it hardly goes anywhere.

A week later I caught up with Stubb, Beck and co. and they had a gift for Julie – The Super High Performance Stomp Rocket. These little plastic beauties don’t go 100 feet, oh no! You can shoot them 400 feet! Woah! Four times the fun. When you stomp those things straight up in the air they almost disappear from view. Fear not, we had our bike helmets on.

Gotta keep it short – I need sleep.

Back to a more regular schedule soon – After Volund’s Hammer has dropped

52 to go!

Have a Great Week (or two)

The Daddy Mack

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